Boost Awareness Security in the Cloud With Data Loss Prevention Tools

Given the astronomical rise of data leaks nowadays, it’s important that global enterprises maintain the highest security levels possible to prevent data catastrophes. The best tactic to this issue is definitely not ignorance, as it is not at all blissful.

Nowadays, more government and federal regulations and policies are being employed to make sure innocent subjects of data losses and breaches are not harmed. Furthermore, equally importantly, these policies help ensure that companies are being responsible with data collection and processing procedures.

For example in Australia, new regulations require Australian enterprises to notify the public of their data leaks and breaches. Having such embarrassing & brand-marring news about your company explode over press headlines and being the talk of the town is a harsh punishment for data leaks now.

According to Riverforge Partners research analyst Trent Carter, “For businesses in the 21st century operating with highly sensitive data from valuable clients and customers, security is one of the highest priorities. Data Loss Prevention tools are assuredly a must-have for any scaling enterprise, which doesn’t want a public relations nightmare at hand. “

Actually, for most organizations, most fall under prey of those threats right under the nose – the insiders. An enterprise’s own employees can cause the most trouble. Therefore its important to not only builds a team with trustworthy character, but also provide sufficient levels of appropriate practice when dealing with sensitive data. Moreover, it’s important that a company leverage data loss prevention technologies to actually view activity on where data is being transferred, what data is being transferred, and via what channels the data is being transferred.

Simple visibility into activity of the cloud should be augmented however. Devious rule breakers will always find a way to circumvent data loss prevention regulations. Therefore, it’s important to have comprehensive data loss prevention tools that are able to cover multiple layers of application and network avenues. Having an endpoint solution like this can help fill holes and help enterprises employ smart visibility and defense enforcement.

According to Riverforge Partners research analyst Trent Carter, “The stealthiest and sneakiest threats are internal smugglers who hide highly sensitive information in the form of a Photoshop file, or a seemingly harmless mp3 song file. However upon close examination, it could be storing highly sensitive information right under your nose”.

To conclude, its now more important than ever for enterprises to employ cutting edge security solutions such a data loss prevention tools. Data Loss prevention tools cover a wide array of problems and help accomplish many crucial objectives of an enterprise, such as federal regulation compliance, image preservation, and data security. Smart companies will leverage data loss prevention tools to protect customer data and prevent horrible data leaks that can destroy a company’s image. It’s better to be prepared than ignorant when it comes to data security.

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